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Showing 44

import parcels, survey chains, lines, curves, spirals from GPK

Since GEOPAK is no longer supported. I have heard from Bentley time and time again that we can get to our data out of the GPK and import it into ORD. BUT this is only true for chains, profiles and points. What about Parcels? survey chains? lines? ...
over 1 year ago in Import/Export / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 2 Planned

Import .xtr files without losing any data

We receive the rail alignment in the form of a .xtr file. In the file itself it is possible to see that there is station, cant, construction and destruction phase, and turnout information, yet when I import it in OpenRail Designer only the alignem...
almost 2 years ago in Import/Export / OpenRail Designer 7 Planned

OBM should support multi-model, 2D and 3D workflows similar to OpenRoads

Users currently need to always start with a 3D file in OBM unlike in ORD. Allow users to support the multi-model (2D and 3D) behavior similar to OpenRoads Designer. All decorations should be in the 2D file and all 3D objects in the 3D file. When s...
over 2 years ago in Modeling / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Planned

Automate Node labelling in Cross Section drawings

We need to be able to label nodes in cross sections drawings automatically. At the moment, this can only be done one node at a time, unlike conduits, which can be labeled automatically.

Clearance Report

Rail industry needs to measure clearance of many elements relative to the track: linear and point. Not all can be done using 3D clash. Some exact value are sometime required by the standards. Typically measurement of a platform edge from the CL bu...
over 2 years ago in OpenRail Designer / Reports 4 Planned

Allow drainage nodes to show up as a cell (catch basin, headwall, end section) in profile view.

Drainage nodes show up in 2D as the cell/feature definition it is designated like an end section. It would be useful if that same feature would show up in the profile view for drainage profiles. It currently works for the "utilities" part of "Drai...

Auto Annotate Point Geometry

Similar to how linear geometry can be annotated upon placing, I would like to extend this functionality to point geometry.
3 months ago in Annotation 0 Planned

Ability to Attach Non-Georeferenced Raster Imagery in ConceptStation

In OpenRoads Designer, the user is able to interactively attach a reference file containing a raster image and move the file freely within the model space once attached. Currently, only georeferenced raster imagery can be imported into ConceptStat...
over 1 year ago in OpenRoads ConceptStation 0 Planned

Re-associate turnout to an alignment

When you create a new alignment, break a alignment and lose the turnouts or import a geometry it would be good to be able to re-associate or change the alignment to which a turnout are associated/connected to.For instance when I´m working with a c...
about 2 years ago in OpenRail Designer / Turnouts/Crossings 1 Planned

Drainage Profile Change Property (Color/linestyle)

Currently, Profiles are drawn according to the feat definition/element templates of a node and/or conduits. There are times we need to differentiate the difference between an existing network vs proposed. eg. all proposed are required to be solid ...
7 months ago in Drainage and Utilities 1 Planned