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Showing 12 of 1419

Need to annotate partial alignment lengths along turnout from point of switch to start/end

Users need a way to annotate the same way SS2 would annotate with the Switch Height Plan command. Partial lengths along the alignment need to be annotated, but there is not a way to do this in OpenRail. The workaround is to create a dummy alignmen...
12 months ago in Annotation / OpenRail Designer / Turnouts/Crossings 0 Needs review

Incorrect arc radius for turnout outer curve switch.

For turnout annotation, we need to add turnout with LLS Extension from the library. I know that it is possible to add LLS radius value for a defined curved turnout in the library, but for a complex project where there are a lot of curved turnouts ...
5 months ago in OpenRail Designer / Turnouts/Crossings 0