When a Leader Line and/or Border Frame are used the leader line should be (or is most often desirable) perpendicular to the geometry instead the perpendicular location being based on the text justification. When a Border Frame is used it really lo...
When multiple profiles are drawn in one alignment or civil feature, the user has to hunt for which one is set active. If they are close to each other and/or the same feature definition this is quite tedious! It would be helpful if there was a way ...
Be able to view on & off "Name, Field Code, Elevations, & Descriptions" for Geometry Points
I can view on & off "Name, Field Code, Elevations, & Descriptions" for Survey Points but for Geometry Points you have to annotate text graphics into your model. Seems to me that you should be able to view those the same weather it's a Geom...
More options when creating custom diagrammatic arrows
Description: While SignCAD currently supports the creation of diagrammatic arrows with two arrows, there is a growing need for more complex arrow configurations. Users often require diagrammatic arrows with three or more arrows for detailed traffi...
Whether or not it was a setting, pre-2023 SignCAD could suppress trailing zeroes for integer and terminating decimal measurements even if decimal places were specified. In 2023 it seems to be an all-or-nothing proposition that leads to dimension o...
In GeoPak, the Active Chain Control tool was very useful for selecting a particular chain or alignment and having the location information (station, offset, etc.) be display in a dialogue box. The location information would live track with the loc...
It would be good to have the option to drag the start and end stations of the profile by variable slope from element in the profile window. Similarly as the partial offset tool in plan. At the moment the user needs to update values in the properti...
Retain item type on 3D cells exported from Points Feature Definition
If there is an item type attached to a Point Feature Definition, it is not retained when the Point is exported as a standard 3D MicroStation cell. The metadata is only retained to the 2d element, not the 3d. In the case of a mesh (from a component...
Add ability to create an Event Point list in the OpenRoads Designer SDK.
I would like to programmatically create a new EventPoint list for an alignment. Looking through the Bentley.CifNET.GeometryModel.Tools.Helpers methods, I found GetEventPointList(Alignment) that returns a List<Bentley.CifNET.GeometryModel.KeySta...