When stepping through model builder there is an option to set the units that are to be used in the design file; however, when the property is set in the field mappings, it does not automatically default to what was selected on a previous screen. T...
There needs to be an option to import utilities from LandXML with the option to specify the import units. I have sewer information from a utility in LandXML format, but the units need to be set to US Survey Feet. Using the import from LandXML clas...
Need the ability to define sequence number other than at the end of the filename
We have a standard naming convention that uses sequence numbers which are in the middle of the filenames. This has been our standard for over twenty years. Additionally, we require each sheet to be in a separate file for multiple flexibility and a...
Allow entering a degree of curve (d 00^00'00") as the Radius of the Alignment Table Editor.
When creating curves, an ORD user is allowed to enter a degree of curve (d 00^00'00") as the Radius. Put the same functionality in the Alignment Table Editor.
Please add the option to automatically assign coordinate systems to drawing and sheet models based on the design models and to place the sheets coincidently even when they contain drawing boundaries. Right now, we cannot create georeferenced pdfs ...
Import Superelevation allows beyond limit of Super Section
I would like to request a feature that prevents or warns about applying transitions to lanes that go beyond the station limit of the superelevation section when using the “Import Superelevation” tool. This is because this situation can cause poten...
ajout de format dans la commande "copie fence contents to new file"
Dans cette commande faire l’ajout d’autres formats pas seulement les DGN, pour faire l’exportation de partie de dessin dans n’importe quel format serait un grand plus
about 1 year ago
in All Other
Future consideration
Using corridors, add event point templates which can report calculated light levels. Add tools allowing for statistical analysis of those points. Improve overall lighting layout capabilities to allow for arrays or periodic placement. Improve lumin...
A configuration variable for the arc hand direction label to change the "CCW" or "CW" definition to a new value like "LT" or "RT"? We would prefer to have this dynamic for the text favorite. If a user was to label with the civil labeler they would...
over 1 year ago
in Annotation
Future consideration