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Please add support for DWG files on import or Attach function

I am using OpenRoads ConceptStation 2024, Tried to load the basic 2D dwg file as reference for a road design work, but system not allowed, current turnaround is convert dwg to dgn which is not best bet. Pease add support for DWG files on "import" ...
7 months ago in Import/Export / OpenRoads ConceptStation 0 Future consideration

Topo Import Terrain Properties Source Details

This may already be on the todo list along with other things for Topo Import, but we need to be able to see the source data in the properties of a Terrain created by Topo Import so we have a record of what it's based on. The tool briefly displays ...
about 1 year ago in Import/Export 1 Already exists

Export DWG special mode for sheets and deliverables

ArchiCAD, Sketchup and Revit have a very nice workflow for creating DWG deliverables. Basically, the software merge all the viewports in the model like an array and then creates a viewport of each in the sheet. They also dumb down all the smart ci...
about 1 year ago in Import/Export / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 2 Future consideration

Allow multiple live load vehicles in Leap Bridge Steel to be exported to Substructure Analysis

Currently, when exporting the Leap Bridge Steel (LBS) to perform substructure analysis, you can only export one live load vehicle at a time. Our project has two separate vehicles to be analyzed. One workaround is to export the loads, close the fil...
over 1 year ago in Import/Export / OpenBridge Designer 0 Future consideration

Cell in GC will have additional properties for IFC

Placed cells with Generative components on alignment which have assigned item types as additional properties. Those properties will be later exported to IFC. Now the additional properties are not shown in GC only in ORD.

Improved Interoperability Between OBM > LBC/LBS

I would like to see an improvement to the interoperability - Once you "Send To [LEAP]" the bridge model from OBM you are no longer able to modify the bridge in OBM and UPDATE the existing .lbcx file you are working in. I understand that significan...
over 1 year ago in Import/Export / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Already exists

Include OpenRoads Designer Standards (Feature Definitions, Symbologies, Annotation Groups etc.) When Importing Feature Definition .dgnlib into another design model

It would be very helpful if "All" the OpenRoads Designer Standards (Feature Definitions, Symbologies, Annotation Groups etc.) would come through when Importing a Feature Definition .dgnlib into another design model. Currently, if you import one mo...
over 2 years ago in Import/Export 0 Future consideration

Allow us to define seed files when using Feature Remapper

When files are upgraded from SS10 to ORD, it's important that we use the client's ORD seed file. I would be nice if the remapper would allow us to select an ORD seed file to use when upgrading ss10 dgn's instead of upgraded dgn's being based on th...
over 2 years ago in Import/Export 0 Will not implement

Import Microstation Graphics to .itl file

This used to exist in SS2, can this be fixed?
10 months ago in Import/Export 0 Already exists

Put the DEPTH point type back in the survey import

In InRoads there was an option to import data as depths instead of elevations. This is common practice for hydrographic data, as many dedicated programs have positive elevations being below 0, with elevations above as negatives. ASCII files can be...
over 1 year ago in Import/Export / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration