Allow Plan Annotation>Arc>“Arc Length” property to annotate length for both Arc and Chord Definition curves so that only one text favorite is necessary to annotate curve length if both types of definitions exist in the same alignment.
With this issue we need to be able to create a single Alignment Feature Definition that will be able to annotate both Arc and Chord defined Curves in the same alignment. That single Alignment Feature Definition will have a Length Label “L” and it ...
Add custom line style automation for pipes in Drainage & Utilities
There is currently no way to utilize multiple custom line styles (or element templates) for pipes in plan view for Drainage and Utilities so that they are tied to the drainage property and will update to the correct line style if the pipe size cha...
The standard design file units loadout for al
l OpenRoads and OpenRail products appears to be US Survey Ft. I would recommend adding an international ft. option to all seed files to
match the current sunsetting of the US Survey Ft. in 2022.
Trim with Connection Points/Regions on opposite sides of cell
I would like to have the ability to put connection regions and connection points on opposite ends of cells, specifically aprons. Currently, the apron won't trim with this setup.
CTDOT would like the ability to create event points from Drainage Nodes. Many of our projects have a lot structures and manually adding event Points at each crossing is tedious. Projecting drainage on XSCs still does not work like we need it to, s...
Add shear stress calculation (based on HEC-15) to conduit data.
Conduit data has flow data but not shear force data which would help design the channel lining needed to protect from ditch/channel erosion.
The Feature Definition Toggle Bar expands when switching between views in a file. I have to either undock the tool bar and manually shrink it or restart the program. Please resolve this issue. Drop down also has inconsistent behavior/selection sen...
Add SignCAM cutter/plotter functionality back to OpenRoads SignCAD
We use the “Cut Selected” option under the SignCAM menu to send information to a Zund - M-1600 and Graphtec - FC9000 Cutter to cut. We currently do not have a large format printer to produce signs. We need to continue this operation with the older...
Item Type expression for length of linear feature from mesh element
I would like to get the length of a related linear feature from the mesh using an item type expression. For example, have an item type expression on a curb mesh that can read the length of the Curb Back linear feature.