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Enhancement to Create a New Lost Civil Rule Icon

In 10.11 R1 (, the profile projection icon under the OpenRoads Model tab changes when the projection’s source reference file is detached. Once you detach the reference the profile projection loses its civil rule, thus the icon changes. However, the icon changes to a green diamond. The green diamond icon is a generic icon within ORD. Please consider creating a new icon to represent an element that has lost its civil rule. Using a generic green diamond icon that is used elsewhere throughout ORD, not for the same reason, makes it difficult to review the integrity of ORD projects during QA/QC. Using a generic green diamond icon seems to lose the intent of the messaging, especially since there is not a field indicating a lost civil rule under the Properties of the element. A user cannot denote an element with a green diamond icon as an element that has lost its civil rule because this is not the only indicator of the generic green diamond icon.

Civil Product Used OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer