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Create 3D by slope to terrain needs to have the option for the fill slope to be positive and vise versa for cut slope

When projecting a line to a terrain currently the only option for fill is down and cut is up. This needs to be a user selectable option. There are many cases where the proposed surface is above the existing ground yet the fill projection needs to go up to tie to the terrain. The same situation could also happen in a cut section where the projection may need to go down to tie. Currently this is not possible with this tool.

Civil Product Used OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer
  • Guest
    Oct 12, 2023

    Here is an example of a ditch behind a wall. The green area is what I was building and the brown is the terrain to project to. I need to project the red line here in a fill situation up to the terrain. This tool doesn't have the ability to project to a terrain in an upward direction in a situation like this. It will only project down.

    It can project a horizontal distance up or down but that doesn't tie it to the terrain. I ended up having to make a linear template to get this done which was fine, but more work than I should have had to do for something this simple.

  • Admin
    James Anding
    Oct 9, 2023

    Please submit a screenshot. Thanks!