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Text favorite to honor math expressions

What I envision, would be the ability to define Math within a Text Favorite.

So, let us say that "[[" would define the start of math in a text favorite.

A text favorite could be created in that the value displayed, is math from element properties. So, let us say that element A has a value of 1, 2, 3 for various properties of the element/alignment/etc.

As a user, I want to have the value displayed of the math equation from the values for 1+2^2-3.

If math could be allowed in text favorites, then something like [[1+(2^2)-3]] could be created as a text favorite that would display the value I want to be displayed.

This would allow significantly greater power for the program, and allow users the ability to deal with values that are not calculated or programmed within the software.

There are a significant number of values for the US rail market that are not calculated within OpenRail.

As an example, I can extract the CANT as a text favorite.

CANT in the US is typically referred to as Superelevation (Ea).

The Equilibrium Elevation is defined as .0007*Speed^2*Degree of Curve (Decimal)

I can extract speed from the speed table. I can extract Degree of Curve from the CANT definition, or the Alignment.

Having the ability to use math from Extracted Values, would allow the Calculation of Ee

Having Ee, would allow the calculation of Underbalance (Eu) which is Ee-Ea

There are several other examples of Math that could be done using extracted values. I realize that this example is not the best as the CANT is probably separate from the Alignment, so calculations would most likely need to be confined to a single text favorite.

Civil Product Used OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer
  • Guest
    Jul 31, 2024

    Need for Railroad - some clients like to see a Proposed Track Raise Value on Profiles

  • Guest
    Feb 29, 2024

    Definitely a good idea! This would really go a long way for the Civil Labeler as well.
    Another simple example is outputting the angle between two selected alignments in a Civil Label. I can get the tangent angles for both elements, but I cannot perform any mathermatical operations to calculate the intersection angle.

  • Guest
    Nov 27, 2022

    Some variable is not available in geometry project and need to be computed.

  • Guest
    Nov 2, 2022

    Very much needed - could also provide for simple things like vertical elevation different between elements, crossfall between elements, etc. etc. this would take annotation to the next level