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Add the ability in a Plan Annotation Group to label non-curve PI's with the deflection angle

I would like to request a new alignment annotation that labels a non-curve PI in a horizontal alignment with the station, the deflection and piece of text that says "no curve". I can create the text favorite that displays the station and the text "no curve" but I don't see how to calculate the bearing change between the 2 lines.

Civil Product Used OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer
  • Guest
    Jul 6, 2023

    We also have a need for calculated deflection angle between tangents for Spiral Curves. The deflection angle does show up in reports, however, currently there is not a property to derive via text favorite.

  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2023

    I see this as an opportunity for availability of both labels, which would need to be defined in their respective annotation groups.

    Our primary work is channel dredging and construction of upland diked placement areas.

    For channel alignments, we would like the PI's with deflection information, like the curve information. These would be reflected in the alignment tales as well and are shown on the plans.

    For placement area dikes, alignments are often initially defined by the surveyed centerline points, creating many small deflection PI's more appropriately labeled as POT points, as is now. Even newly defined alignments for these areas may contain several PI points that do not need the deflection labeled. In fact, we turn off the labels for all the POT's when finalizing the plans for advertising. The contractors use the alignment table XYs to layout the alignments in the field for construction.

  • Guest
    Mar 30, 2023

    Currently a non-curve PI is annotated as just another POT which is not correct.