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Replacing the end element(s) of a complex element

There should be tools to allow the end elements in a complex element to be replaced by the designer. The Redefine tool can be fine for elements in the middle and the append tool may be fine for just adding but if I want, for example, to swap the last straight and arc (e.g. fixed and float) for 2 arcs ( e.g. fixed and float) I can't do it without dropping the complex and potentially causing major work.

Civil Product Used OpenSite Designer, OpenRoads Designer, OpenRail Designer
  • Guest
    Sep 19, 2023

    I still think this needs another method which resembles Civil 3D or MX where you can easily delete out sub elements out of a complex element and make edits as if it was before you complexed it together. It would be much more user friendly.

  • Admin
    James Anding
    Mar 22, 2023

    I always forget about Geometry Builder Edit. That should do the trick.

    4 replies
  • Guest
    Mar 21, 2023

    Havwe you tried using the "Delete Vertex" tool to remove the last element (by deleting the last point on your Complex) and then using the Append element too to add the new element to your Complex?

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Mar 21, 2023

    Try the "geometry builder edit". Tool is great for editing geometry

  • Guest
    Mar 21, 2023

    So you are going from the top arrangement to the bottom and because we are dealing with the very end elements you can't use redefine. You want to replace the very end straight with an end curve instead, the adjacent curves replaced to suit and tie back into the same straight on the right.

    4 replies
  • Admin
    James Anding
    Mar 21, 2023

    Please post a screenshot, this should already exist.