Being able to delete more than one point at a time within template creation.
Currently, you can click the delete components within templates and draw a line through any component(s) to delete it(them). It would be nice to have a similar function to delete points by encircling them so you do not have to delete them using th...
Add ability in ORD to hover over template segment in cross section view to obtain real time cross-slope and elevation data in pop up like you can in InRoads modeler
It should work in ORD just like it works in InRoads now.
Swept path tool - meshes and features for front, mid and rear positions of the vehicle for calculation step gapss
To design platform coping strings and walkway edge strings in tunnels To calculate step gaps between the vehicle step edge and walkway / platform edge For trucks, cars, and trains.
When looking at point controls/parametric constraints in Corridor Objects, highlight affected point(s) in dynamic XS view.
The legacy corridor modeler would put a white crosshair in the XS view on the specific point being manipulated when the corresponding point control was selected. I'd like this same functionality in the dynamic XS view.
Civil cells does not support turnout or crossing elements. Ability to include turnout and crossings in civil cells, will enable creating civil cells for siding and yard areas.
Add a property to apply terrain feature type to civil elements.
Set the terrain feature type for template points (breakline, boundary). When creating a terrain from a corridor, this would automatically create the exterior boundary eliminating the need for trimming edge triangles. Provide this same functionalit...
When using display rules Type it would be useful to have an option of values between A-B, not only >, = , and >=. This way you can choose between multiple versions of a component. Example absolute horizontal 0-1 Curb type F, 1-2 type A, 2-3 ...