Button to synchronize all template drops for all corridors & linear templates in a file
I'd like a tool that synchronizes all template drops in all corridors in a file, right now they have to each be manually selected in the explorer or on screen.
Configuration variable to control default path for .tiw files
When working in a fieldbook in survey, we want to set the default file path to a specific location for .tiw files. As it stands, ORD remembers the last location from which a .tiw was imported, but we want to set a file path for all users.
Updating XS annotation group w/o resetting annotation placement
The XS annotation group will place annotations in text conflicting locations. Once the user resolves the text conflicts there is a chance that the annotations may have to be revised when the model is updated. Therefore, it would be helpful if ther...
Ability to annotate slope between linear features in plan using the Civil Labeler
Ability to annotate the slope between two linear features in plan. Currently we can only annotate station and offset but it is very common for designers to check cross slopes.
Drawing layout from right to left - plan and profile.
Fundamental convention for technical drawing demands that the north arrow point to the top of the page. Often an alignment either provided by a client or already exiting will progress from right to left. This being said, when creating plan and pro...
Annotate Slope of terrain between points in Cross Sections
Civil labeler only works for 3D linear features (points). It`s impossible to annotate the slope from the terrain between two points. If you try that, the whole terrain section is selected and the command fails. A great example is a cross section o...
Plan-Profile-Profile drawing/sheet creation with named boundaries
Plan-Profile[LT]-Profile[RT] (and Profile[LT]-Profile[RT]) sheet creation for LT/RT split/bifurcated profile grade lines has been requested more frequently by our internal designers and our consultant designers. We have a workflow that can accompl...
Add more Display Options for Placing Terrain Slope Labels at a Single Point on a Terrain
Currently, the only way to place a single point slope label on a terrain is using the "Analyze Point" tool which works ok, but there are no options at all for controlling the display of the label placed. We would like to have the ability to place ...
Add The Ability to use a Fence and Regular MicroStation Shapes as a Boundary When Using The "Analyze Volume" Tool
Currently, the "Analyze Volume" tool "Only" allows you to use an ORD Geometry Shape for a boundary. It would be much more useful and intuitive if we could also use a fence and/or a regular MicroStation shape for a boundary as well like you could w...