The implementation of FEM shell elements as a supplement to the beams in RM Bridge Enterprise, is a useful tool. Sometimes it will be useful to model the shell elements with different properties in the longitudinal direction compared to the transv...
Ability to superscript and underline the decimal digits for spot elevation annotation
Currently it is not possible to format only the decimal digits of the annotation. The user wants to annotate the spot elevation in a custom format where the decimal units are having superscript and the underline. The option from DIN Dimensioning o...
When using Create Template dialogue, it would be a good feature to have a section or list that could be pulled showing all of the templates used in the project folder.
A tool that would allow feature definitions to be changed similar to how a smart match and change element attributes tool works. There are times when we add a friction course and need to change multiple point feature definitions and the current wo...
Create/save an annotation group after manual edits by selection set
Would it be possible to create/save an annotation group after all the manual edits are complete? Essentially, creating an annotation group by selecting the text on a level or color.
A lot of our project show multiple profiles in one profile view (EG, Proposed PGL, RT Gutter, LT Gutter, etc.). In MicroStation we set up a specific .ddb file that would plot the text labels in the desired location. We haven’t been successful in c...
Are there any fields similar to CAD like “Current Sheet Number,” “Current Sheet Title,” etc? We are currently using $Sheet_01$, but it is hard to automate