Add better management tool/window for terrains sources elements
There is no effective panel for editing the terrain sources elements. The only available tools are the add/remove feature or the "Edit Terrain" tool with it's ""delete feature". All the above are extremely dependable on visual and clickable data. ...
Merge and separate geometry with dependencies from and into multiple DGNs
When you have multiple files with geometry which reference each other, I think there should be a tool to allow you to merge those DGN's into one without losing relationships e.g. I can merge my main alignment file and the file which contains my ch...
Enhancing Named Boundaries: Updating Named Boundaries and Applying Geometry Rules
To enhance productivity and efficiency in live projects, we need dynamic Named Boundaries linked to Geometry. This includes the ability to update the shape or location of a named boundary after creating a sheet model, with the changes reflected in...
this comes from CS0394270 the Microstation Named Boundary tool is still present in ORD. In the search ribbon if you type in Named Boundary and take the first option it opens the Microstation Named Boundary dialog and not the ORD one (so its missin...
Add a tool (or an option to the existing place point tool) to compute the traverse using a deflection angle instead of an absolute angle.
The existing Locate Point tool using the Traverse and Radial methods functionally does something similar, but must have 180 degrees added manually to the deflection angles to get the absolute angle.
I need to see slope on the Longsection as a Ratio (not percentage)
We set our drawings in design setting as a slope Ratio, when producing the longsection they come out as percentage always. but it should come out as a ratio as per our settings. Why is it important, my Client wants it as a ratio
Add more Display Options for Placing Terrain Slope Labels at a Single Point on a Terrain
Currently, the only way to place a single point slope label on a terrain is using the "Analyze Point" tool which works ok, but there are no options at all for controlling the display of the label placed. We would like to have the ability to place ...
It would really be helpful for users with OBD to not have to open OBD prior to opening OBM. That is a big pain point that I get a lot of complaints about. Also it is very confusing for users at first, they don't understand why they can't just clic...
For the OpenCivil products, it would be nice to have the civil preferences folders that are located under C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Bentley\OpenRoadsDesigner\<version>\prefs (both the civil and civil_commands folders) use the b...
Corridor Objects Dialog box to stay put after creating parametric constrains/point controls and etc.
The corridor objects dialog box is currently disappearing whenever you try to add parametric constraints/point controls/curve widening/end condition exception/external reference and etc. This would be much better if we could have at least make the...