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Need a report (XSL) that combines Horizontal, Vertical, and cant information

Need a report (xsl) that combines Horizontal, Vertical, and cant information in it.

Currently when the cant report (XML) is generated it also included horizontal geometry info (XSL).

Similarly, when the horizontal report (XML) is generated it contains the vertical info (XSL) and visa versa.

However, a report which shows all three i.e. Horizontal, Vertical, and Cant info is missing.

Civil Product Used OpenRail Designer
  • Guest
    Jan 7, 2025
    Surprisingly, this type of report is still missing in the 2024 version. Even a simpler report that jointly gives the Z difference and the offset of a set of cogo points to an alignment.
  • Guest
    Aug 23, 2023

    I fully agree with this need.

    The track alignment is a whole, and has all three components - horizontal, vertical and cant.

    This inherited from BRT separation should be removed and a way to report all three components of the track alignment should be by default provided.

    Bentley should be focused on reducing the user work and the potential risk of user error.

  • Guest
    Sep 23, 2022

    XSLT is one thing, but for the matter of XML, this workflow is clunky but will probably work for you once you have a solid XSLT.

    1. Run geometry report. Save as XML.

    2. Run superelevation report. Save as different XML.

    3. Open both XMLs as text files. Delete the last line of XML 1. Starting at line 2 of XML 2, copy the remainder and paste to the bottom of XML 1.

    4. In the report browser, do File > Open and select XML 1.

    One thing you'll have to overcome is the differential in values provided by @internalStation.