Addition of a new Linear Terrain Triangle Void Feature to automate precision Terrain triangle trimming
One very important piece of functionality that is currently missing in OpenRoads is a Linear Terrain Void feature type. This Linear Terrain feature would void/null any Terrain triangles it crosses, allowing users to add these features into their t...
Option to overwrite Saved views when reprocessing named boundaries to sheets
Allow a checkbox to choose to overwrite or replace existing saved views when re-processing a set of named boundaries for output to sheets. This will help to maintain order in the files and avoid excess unused items. If not creating another 'versio...
Would like the ability to dynamically rotate a point feature.
We would like the ability to dynamically rotate a Point Feature, like we can do with a regular cell. Currently you can only enter a rotation by manually entering a number into the dialog box.
I would ensure that my vertical and horizontal alignments are the same length by using the Trim/Extend buttonn in geomtery editior in Power Rail Track - can we have the same functionility in ORD please? I know I can snap vertical alignment to the ...
To make it easier to select and report the end of an alignment it would be good to have an "Alignment End point" or "Alignment end element" in plan and profile. Also in cant!
Calculating Multiple Polygon Volumes using Analyze Volume from Terrain Model
The calculate volume tool only works on a single target polygon. If multiple polygons are present it's quite tedious to calculate one-by-one and manually sum the totals. For example in a bathy survey of a channel it's common to have different area...
Allow Design Scenarios to change proposed conduit properties and class based on depth of conduit.
The class of a pipe is primarily selected by the depth of cover over a pipe. Sometimes vehicle loads or construction loads have an influence on the class selection
The ability to use an offset to create a single line alignment based on a regression line that was created by points. This ability would allow the user to create a centerline alignment based on monuments/survey points located a specified distance ...