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Showing 158

Text Favorite for Event Point Description

Need the ability to create a Text Favorite for the Description Field of an Event Point.
about 2 years ago in Annotation / Geometry / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 2 Future consideration

Design profile view needs to allow annotation of projected geometry element annotation

External geometry projected into the design profile needs to be annotated to better inform what / where they are and assist in design processes like matching instantaneous grade
about 2 years ago in Annotation / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer 0 Future consideration

Ability to change civil labeler border sizes

The borders that can be used for the civil labeler tool are different sizes. The ability to modify the sizes would help in adjusting the size based on the user needs. The dimension styles have this ability for the symbols used around the text.

Point Feature Symbology cell returns elevation

I want to place a civil point and the cell in its symbology returns its elevation. Main goal is to annotate terrain elevations with a cell in plan view. Best of worlds would be for Civil Labeler to accept cells so I could create some that would ta...
5 months ago in Annotation / OpenRoads Designer 0 Future consideration

Manage Modifications for Point Annotation Definitions

Is it possible we could get the ability to manage modifications for point annotation definitions? Automatic Annotation of all survey point elements is very nice, but in some cases, a note or two may need to be moved. The problem I am seeing is tha...
over 1 year ago in Annotation / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 1 Future consideration

Openroads designer annotation groups extend the white space management to all items

Right now only the text element can have the "manage modification" turn to true. This mean that only text will not move when doing annotation. The white space management, or manage modification to placement annotation should be avaiable to all ite...

Convert smart civil annotation to plain text

The ability to easily convert smart civil annotations to plain text will make it much easier to share annotations with other disciplines in DWG format. Also, sometimes we just do not want smart annotations within our drawings. Currently have to do...
about 1 year ago in Annotation / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Civil Labeler - Use cell for Border Frame

We would like an option to use a cell instead of the provided "Civil Shapes" for a border. Reasons for this need: Current shapes are not able to be seen by users not using Civil Product We may have a shape with ore complexity needed. Current shape...
over 1 year ago in Annotation 1 Future consideration

Manage Modifications Apply to Lines and Other Annotation Elements Besides Text

Its nice that Manage Modifications was added for text, but FAR TO OFTEN, text and other elements are also annotated, and then modified. If the Text is moved, then it remains, but the lines, cells, etc that are a part of the text annotation always ...
about 2 years ago in Annotation / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 1 Future consideration

Civil Labeler - Defined Rotation Angle

We place grade elevation labels on our plans typically at a 30 degree angle from the view. Currently, the civil labeler only allows for rotation to be set to "View Horizontal" or "View Vertical" regarding placement as it relates to the active view...
over 1 year ago in Annotation / Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 1 Future consideration