The calculation executive summary and calculation detailed summary would be improved by adding a time stamp near the date and file name at the bottom of the reports' pages. It would be helpful to be able to add a note to the reports describing tha...
For the modeling and model review process, it would be helpful to have Description fields for common corridor inputs, such as Parametric Constraints, Point Controls, etc. that can be easily discovered using the Corridor Objects tool.
For the geometry review; setting out or other OpenRoads/OpenRail tables, if we can place the table/report into DGN design model, once the geometry or model is updated, the values of the table placed in the design model is also updated dynamic. sim...
Add minimum vertical clearance results to delta surface tool
After creating the delta surface, we could not determine the location of minimum vertical clearance. We tried the analyze surface tool and it showed us coordinates of the min/max locations. However, the locations were outside of the delta surface....
I would like to be able to apply a surface template to multiple terrain models at once, either by a previously-selected selection set, or by selecting one or more terrain models within the tool itself. In the attached image I would like to apply t...
Dynamic XS view - Adjust station jump distance on corridor xs view
I would like the ability to adjust the station jump distance, based on my input rather than the corridor template drop distance. Only works when an allingment is chosen rather than the corridor, which in some cases makes other abilities lacking.
If I create an alignment, and I want that information as a data table (for curves and the like) it's not directly possible. I want it to create a table where I can pull the properties of that alignment off and put them into a table format. The def...
Surface Templates- Option to create top 3D linear element
Currently, when a surface template is applied there is not a 3D linear element created for the top linear feature. It would be useful to have the option to create the top 3D linear element.
Allow the use of multiple Horizontal Feature Constraints in Point Properties
The ability to target multiple Horizontal Feature Constraints for a template point and set priority on those individual Features. Similar to Target Aliasing.